Update Available for Popular Simulation Collaboration Software 

New features were driven by the needs of some of the company’s largest automotive, aerospace and industrial customers.

New features were driven by the needs of some of the company’s largest automotive, aerospace and industrial customers.

Visual Collaboration Technologies VCollab 19 streamlines sharing simulation results. Image courtesy of VCollab.

Visual Collaboration Technologies Inc., (VCollab) announces the release of VCollab 19, the latest version of its advanced solution for creating and sharing high-fidelity 3D simulation insights. This new release provides enhanced automation capabilities, along with performance and usability improvements.

VCollab says it overcomes the challenges inherent in the way simulation results are shared today. Analysts waste countless hours creating simulation reports using tools like presentation software which deliver only low-fidelity 2D information. As a result, design and release engineers make decisions with incomplete information.

VCollab 19 features include:

  • an enhanced Python API, which intelligently automates the extraction and processing of simulation information and creation of high-fidelity Actionable Simulation Insights;
  • improved performance of linear and Eigen animations;
  • Hotspot Finder Module enhancements, for advanced comparisons of design iterations; and
  • Faster publishing, graphics performance and large model handling, for browser-based HTML5 viewing.

“With VCollab, the analyst actually spends less time preparing the simulation results and the engineers get this richer set of results that they can interrogate,” says independent engineering analyst Chad Jackson, CEO of Lifecycle Insights.

VCollab says the new features were driven by the needs of some of the company’s largest automotive, aerospace and industrial customers.

VCollab partners with all major CAE vendors, including ANSYS, Dassault Systèmes, MSC Software and Siemens Digital Industries Software, and is a member of the NAFEMS SPDM Working Group. The company is based in Troy, MI, with offices in Texas and India.

For more information on VCollab 19, click here. 

Industry technology analyst Chad Jackson discusses how VCollab fits into a simulation workflow.

See why DE’s Editors selected VCollab Version 19 as their Pick of the Week.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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